The Official Blogsite of UAP Manila Corinthian Chapter

The Official Blogsite of UAP Manila Corinthian Chapter

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Date with the Kids of Chosen Children Village

Chapter Ninongs and Ninangs pledge their support to treat 12 kids of Chosen Children Village during the Chapter Christmas Party.  It was on December 28, 2014 that the chapter through its president Ar. Omar Palero, that the kids were treated to an entire day of fun at Nuvali.  They were treated to lunch and feed the fishes in the man made lagoon.  Boat ride was also made available to them as well as different park rides.  They were also given gifts from the nearby shopping establishments.

Thank you to our Ninongs and Ninangs for sponsoring our date with 12 of the Kids from Chosen Children Village.
1. Boysen Paints
2. Boysen Paints
3. Jonathan Galano-Tan
4. Jonathan Galano-Tan

5. Sherryl and Clang

6. Ghe and Andrea

7. Gabbie Cascante

8. Gabbie Cascante

9. Omar Palero

10. Rommel Ripotola

11. Patrick Rodriguez 

12. Vhic and Sheyne 

13. Vhic and Sheyne


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